Challenges to using and managing online communications
- So many services, so little time
- Managing so many different service can be confusing and tedious
- Difficult to have all of your connections using the same services or tools
Ways to create private groups
- Facebook Private Groups
- Google Drive share with private group of individuals
- GroupMe Group
- Slack
Connect Everything with IFTTT
- Create a spreadsheet (Google Drive) of tweets (Twitter) with Hash Tag
- example: #Blizzard2015
- Gmail messages received with #Hashtag added to spreadsheet
- #Week1Assigment in subject
- Automatically upload attachments from GMail to Google Drive
- celtalnl in subject and has attachment
- Tag articles in Feedly and shared in GroupMe
- Tag Web Dev
- Facebook status update with hastag to GroupMe
- RSS to Slack
- Great Google Alert RSS Feed
- All new RSS entries posted to Slack Private Group
- Twitter hashtag to Slack
- Post a voice message to WordPress
- Send voice notes to your email inbox
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